You found it! Your premier destination for the best & most exquisite interior photography & videography services. With over a decade of extensive experience in the field, I am proud to announce the launch of my independent brand; Refined Realty!

RFND Realty brings a unique blend of artistry and technical expertise to every project. As one of the foremost professionals in Cape Town, my work is characterised by precision, innovation, perfection, and a unwavering dedication to capturing the essence of each space.


Receive affordable pricing and packages designed to elevate your listings and attract discerning buyers, starting at R700!

Realty Pro

RFND specialises in delivering premium production options that exude sophistication and elegance, starting at R900!

Viper Media

Receive the utmost cinematic masterpiece of interior media! The Viper package eliminates any and all competition, leaving you on top!

What do the different packages offer?


Full Interior & Exterior Photography

Standard Video Tour

Drone Coverage

Standard Reel

Walkthrough Video Tour (Includes mics)

2 x Marketing Reels

Video Graphics

Agent/Agency Branding

Realty Package

Realty Pro Package

At Refined Realty, we understand the importance of visual storytelling in the competitive realm of real estate. By leveraging our expertise and passion for photography, we aim to exceed your expectations and deliver captivating imagery that resonates with your target audience and surrounding area.

Experience the difference with Refined Realty – where professionalism, perfection, creativity, and excellence converge to bring your vision to life. This is realty done RIGHT! Contact me today to schedule your appointment and elevate your property marketing endeavours to new heights.


How quickly will I receive my media during the week?

RFND Realty strives to provide all media from a listing within 24-48H business hours. Due to fluctuating bookings and possible public holidays, this may vary depending on availability. You can receive same day delivery if booked 48H in advance, and this is subject to a R550 fee.

How does my payment options work towards RFND Realty?

RFND Realty bills monthly packages towards agencies at the end of every month, but agents who make once-off bookings are required to pay anytime before the listing. Media will not be released unless proof of payment is received by RFND Realty.

Do I have to pay for travel fees or travel time?

All pricing includes travel fees within a 25km radius from Durbanville. Any shoot outside of this radius is charge at R6,50 p/km or R400 p/hour for distant shoots. Special pricing options can be arranged if needed for shoots outside of the Western-Cape or South-Africa.

What if I want to discuss a custom pricing plan?

RFND Realty recognises that not all agents or agencies have the same needs. Therefore we are open to discuss different pricing options or monthly plans to better accommodate your needs. Feel free to reach out so that we can include you in the RFND Realty family!

What if I don’t know how to use my media I receive?

Great news for you! RFND Realty works closely with RFND Media to assist agents and agencies in utilising their media the correct way! If you are unsure on how to tackle your social media needs, get in touch with RFND Media and dominate your market with refined marketing strategies!

Are there any rules for booking RFND Realty’s services?

With any business, that is a big yes! Please find all the RFND Realty Terms & Conditions on and scroll to RFND Realty’s section. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to get in touch with us.